
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Time out!

I wanted to take a break from Africa, and mention another place that I have a passion for, Juarez. I know, I know, I don't shut up about it, but it is a special place for me. I read the El Paso Times regularly to keep up on the goings on in Juarez. Today I read an article from last week that says the murder count for this year is 1000. That means 1000 lives, 5 lives a day, have ended due to the drugs and violence in the city. Some of the people killed may have signed their own death certificate by getting involved with the people they got involved with, but many of those 1000 didn't have a say in it or were police trying to stop the violence. When you say your prayers tonight, put the innocent people of Juarez down as a request for peace and safety. We are all one with God, no borders, no color, no country. Your brothers and sisters need your prayers, who are we to deny them that?

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