
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Sunday, April 17, 2011

911, what's your emergency?

OK, so it isn't an emergency, so I called the regular Police phone number and was disappointed to learn that the "regular" line is either busy, or they put you on hold, for extended periods of time. Why was I calling? Well, we seemed to have a drunk driver that went down the major road two houses from ours, jumped the curb and hit a no parking sign.

It ripped a huge chunk of the fender off, which is now laying on the curb as well, along with a lot of plastic chrome and light lenses.

They hit it hard enough to snap the 4x4 post the sign was mounted to.

I have no idea if this was involved in the accident, but this was among the carnage.


My biggest surprise is the difficulty I've had trying to call the police. I guess I assumed that if you called, you would get through and you could let them know. I know this isn't going to be high priority, but when my mailbox was hit, for the second time, they came out and filled out a report and followed up on a few leads, but never caught the person, which meant I was out the money to fix it, again. I figured that since this was city property, they might just call in all resources and the SWAT team. The scary thing is, this was close to my house. If it was a drunk driver, they could have hurt someone, since the sidewalk, you can see it on the right of the first picture, is used ALOT and at all hours of the day and night. It isn't unusual to see someone walking their dog at 12 or 1am, trust me I've seen it. This makes me think back to when our mailbox was hit, in broad daylight, where my kids and the neighbors kids play. That could have been a tragedy, luckily, it wasn't.

I've given up on trying to call the police. Maybe someone else called, who had nothing better to do than sit on hold for an hour. I have better things to do, like this blog. Wait, maybe I should try to call one more time.

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