
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Monday, June 13, 2011


If you received an email from me, trying to get you to buy anything, it was a virus on my computer, sorry.  Why do people spend their time creating problems for others?  I guess I will never understand.  Just so this doesn't happen again, I'm going into business selling replica watches, weenie pills and "enlargers."  That way, next time you get an email from me selling any of those mentioned, it will look like a business transaction.  Try explaining that to people.  Having the email sent to my close friends and family isn't that big of a deal, most people have received them and just toss them out and then send me an email that says, "Hey dumbass, you have a virus."  The bad thing is when it sends an email to someone I haven't spoken to in several years, and this is our re-acquaintance.  Or worse, starts sending penis enlargement ads to my pastor friends.   I guess that is better than having it send an enlargement email to somebody from the gym, where you might have seen the said object that needs to be enlarged.  Might make the next run in a bit uncomfortable.


A little has happened since I posted last.  Normally you say "A lot has happened," but not much has, so I modified.  First, on our way home from dropping the kids of at their cousins house, we were doing about 70 mph in the dark, around 11pm, when a group of deer showed up in our headlights.  There was a group of three standing on the white line on the left side of the car.  On the right, on the other white line, another deer that had just crossed the road.  There was no time to stop, so we headed between them and prayed neither side felt the need to taste our bumper.  Luckily, nobody moved, only my bowels, so we shot through the gap while cursing and praying to God.  Then, yesterday, Marcy and I were heading to some friends house and pulled up to a 4-way stop.  A car approaching from our right seemed to be going pretty fast, so we waited to see if they would stop.  They did not.  We watched as a car with three teenage kids and one adult blew through the sign and continued on their way.  On the side of the car, "Student Driver."  Haven't laughed that hard in awhile.  Can you say "F" on that drive.  Reminded me of the girl I drove with in drivers Ed, oh so many years ago.  She scared the crap out of me every time we got in the car.  The third kid in our car only showed up once, then never returned.  I have no idea if it was because of Thelma's driving (Thelma and Louise reference), but I like to think that he was smarter than me and got out while the getting was good.  No need to get an ulcer in high school if you can avoid it.


In summary, I'm not suggesting you need enlargement, or weenie pills.  Kids can't drive and deer are fricking daredevils.  That is all

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