
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Things I've learned

A few things I have learned/figured out recently that I thought I would share.

1. The correct time to remove child safety locks on cabinets is the day after you realize that your 2 year old can open them faster than you. Seems to defeat the purpose when the one person you are trying to keep out, is the one person that can get in, effortlessly.

2. No matter how much you think you know about a subject, leave it to Microsoft to "fix" it so you no longer have any idea what is going on.

3. No matter how long you have lived with the cold, -20 still sucks. Freezing snot in your nose isn't as funny at 39 as it was at 12.

4. Along those lines, snow every week that has to be shoveled in temps mentioned above sucks even more.

5. If you make an obscene gesture on the jumbotron at a sporting event, you will be escorted out of the arena, and I'm guessing, asked not to return. I didn't do it, but I saw it done. As funny as it was, probably not appropriate for family entertainment. (but it was still funny)

6. Apparently, if you watch a TV channel via satellite from China, it works best to watch it from your front yard, either squatting down or standing behind the dish in the bushes. Think I'm kidding, see below. This is my neighbors idea of a good afternoon.
Why they can't run a cable from the dish, into the house, I do not know. Perhaps that should be included with the instructions that come with satellite dishes. Below are a few other pictures I took to show you the relation of the dish to their house.

As you can see, they aren't sure when Christmas is over either.

7. I've learned that things can grow on you. I've written about Surge before on this blog. He is starting to grow on me. Here is a really dark picture of Surge with Mason.Speaking of growing on you, I cut open a red pepper tonight, and this is what I found inside.

What the hell is that mutant embryo? Then there was this wormmy thing:
I let Marcy eat that one.

8. When preparing the bath for your 3 boys, do not sit right next to the toilet to check the water if they in turn want to use said toilet. You will need a bath next.

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