
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Seriously, golf?

Now don't be shocked, but I received this email yesterday:

Congratulations on making a hole-in-one on The Principal Charity Classic Putt-Putt Challenge hole during the Iowa Energy game February 23rd! This letter is to explain the Putt-Putt Challenge promotion.

Since you made a hole - in - one you will receive a Good Any Day Ticket to the Classic – we will mail this ticket out 2-3 weeks prior to the tournament.

The Putt-Putt Challenge promotion includes a chance to compete for a trip to the 2010 Masters. On May 15th, we will draw one name from the list of Hole-In -One winners from each Putt-Putt Challenge location. This person will be invited to The Principal Charity Classic on Sunday, May 31st where we will draw another name from the crowd. A long putt will be staged and participants will each take one putt. The putt that either goes in the hole or gets the closest to the pin will win a trip for two to the 2010 Masters. The trip includes roundtrip airfare for two, a one night hotel stay, and two tickets to the final day of play, Sunday, April 12, 2010.

For more information please see our website http://www.principalcharityclassic.com/pcc-promotion.php or if you have any questions please contact us.

Thank you and Congratulations on your Hole-in-One!

If you know me, your laughing and saying, "A hole in one what?" cause I don't golf, in fact, suck so bad at golf I've nearly knocked myself out on several occasions by hitting the ball into a tree or post and having it come right back at my head. Both of my brothers can attest to that, seeing as how we were golfing in TN once and I hit the ball into a tree and it came right back at my melon, causing me to hit the deck, causing my brothers to laugh at me for nearly an hour. (I'm guessing when they are having bad days on the course, they still think of this to bring themselves back to the reality that things could be worse, they could golf like me) Getting back to my hole in one, I'd like to be clear, so there is no misconception that this was a 40 foot putt or even a 20 foot put. No, I'm guessing it was a 10 foot putt in a miniature golf kind of setting that I reluctantly shot with my brothers family at the Iowa Energy game the other night, same night I was verbally abused by Grandpa usher. I wasn't going to do the putt, because I figured I would humiliate myself in front of strangers. I wasn't worried at humiliating myself in front of family, that is just to be expected, my brother had seen my golf and I disc golf with him all of the time, so he's seen me hit a great shot from way out, miss a putt from close up and toss my disc off a cliff, never to be seen again. I hit the ball and I'll be damned if that thing didn't go straight in the hole. If I could hit like that normally, maybe I would try to play again. Once you hit the shot, you filled out a card and the letter above tells the rest. With my luck, I will make it all the way to the putt in front of all those people at the Principal Classic, and my dumb ass will go out there and plunk some handicapped kid in the stands and I will be beaten with putters by the rest of the participants. I'll let you know if I advance in the tournament.

1 comment:

CJH said...

Just go watch Happy Gilmore a couple times, maybe some Caddyshack, and you'll be ready! Hey, if you don't want the trip for 2 to the 2010 Masters, I bet I know someone that would.... hint, hint, wink, wink!