
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hopefully funny

I was reading an article on the Des Moines Registers website, when a link to mug shots peaked my interest at the bottom of the page. I clicked on it and was entertained for a whole lunch hour. Below are some of my favorites, and what came to mind when I saw them. These are all people arrested in the DM area. By no means am I making fun of their crimes, situations or person, only the photos. Now with that disclaimer, I hope you enjoy, especially those of you who need a laugh.

This guy appears to have a tiny head in this picture.

Here is his big brother who fills the whole frame.

I see hard times have come to Mr. Kenny Rogers.

I think they made this guy suck a lemon before this shot.

OH GOD!!!!!! Not sure what she was areested for, but I'm guessing it wasn't prostitution.

I bet you can't guess what this guy was busted for. What, smoking pot, good guess.

I think this guy got run over before this shot.

This guy must have been busted for stealing a donut truck.

Were they asking him to read something without his glasses?

Santa or dude from the Oakridge Boys?

WOW! Very happy about being arrested.

"Move a little to your right. A little more, little more."

"Did you say smile or show you all of my teeth?"

Nice fro dude! I hope you weren't trying to hide behind a bush with that thing.

I think this guy is an alien, I'm pretty sure I saw him in the movie Men in Black.

I smell a lawsuit.

Was this guy electrocuted?

I looked up serial killer in the dictionary, same picture.

And finally, Doogie Howser, MD.


Anonymous said...

You are so kind honey!

Anonymous said...

And I did need a laugh-so thanks honey! (Yes this is your wife calling you honey!)