
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wanna go?

As I write this, I'm sad to say that a return trip to Africa doesn't appear to be in the cards for 2010. I guess I won't rule it out, but chances appear to be slim. So what does that mean for missions trips in 2010? I'm glad you asked. My yearly trip to El Paso/Juarez is a go. There is also a possibility for a return trip to Jamaica, this time for a little community service instead of a vacation. Did you notice the title of this post? Would you like to go? The trip planning is in the early stages, but if all goes well, I'll be spending some time in the sun next year. The area I stayed in last time has a community center that needs finishing and hopefully, I'll be working on that, but I'll need help. This trip won't be through my church, this is being organized by my friend Michelle and her friend Brooke, who is still serving there. I won't give the whole story of what they were doing there, I think I've covered that 1000 times, but if you are new to my blog, here is a link to Brooke's site which should give you the story, plus a few shots of the community center I will be working on. I'm not even sure if the trip will happen, but if God is telling you to get up and do something, serve your brothers and sisters, keep this in mind. You can read about my last trip to Jamaica my selecting the Jamaica category on the right. Hope you can go with me.

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