So I saw this a few weeks back, but didn't have photo evidence, so I passed on writing about it. Last night, I wasn't driving, so I was able to snap a picture of the situation in question.
Why would you put the crapper in the middle of the road? I know, by law, that they have to have a porta potty on the job site, but can't they put it on the side of the road, or around the corner? This is a street full of businesses, you can't stick it in the far corner of the parking lot? How comfortable would you be taking care of business as cars whizzed by right outside your thin plastic wall? I see stories all the time about people who are either texting, talking on the phone or just plain not paying attention, so they run off the road or whip across several lanes of traffic. now imagine you are in this crapper with your pants down when Johnny Distracted decides he needs to text his buddy about his plans for the evening, and WHAM!, you and your bare ass go flying across the intersection for all to see. Just put the damn thing in a less public spot, that's all I'm saying.
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