
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Couple things.

1. Sorry I left the last post up as long as I did. Nobody needs to read about an ear hair, let alone see it if you look at my blog multiple times. I know you don't need to know about all of my "getting older" things, but trust me, I filter out most things and just left you with one disturbing image. I will try to keep most of those things to myself from now on.

2. Driving in today, I passed a small Chevy truck. They were called a Chevy Luv when I was a kid, but I'm pretty sure that name disappeared with the dinosaurs. Now, it's probably a Chevy F25, but I have no idea. Anyway, this little mint green, rusted out truck was packing a set of the fake testicles hanging from the back bumper, apparently explaining to us just how tuff this guy and his baby truck is. He also has the phrase "Cowboy Up" in the back window in large letters. OK, couple problems with this. First is, plastic balls hanging from your little mint green truck, do not intimidate even the wimpiest person. This guy is so far off I can't even put it into words. Plus, the balls were blue, which makes it even worse. Second, cowboy up? Seriously? In Des Moines, Iowa? In a mint green truck with blue plastic balls hanging from your rusty bumper? Talk about delusional.

3. I mentioned that I listen to the 80's station in my car. This morning I was treated to REO Speedwagon and You Can't Fight This Feeling. My car has a readout that tells you the artist and song, but some titles don't fit. Here is this mornings song:

I think this is the motto for the satellite radio company, it most certainly is the motto for our local cable company that I luckily got away from.

4. You probably saw my post on Facebook, but if not, I figured out that I actually know Rebecca from The Biggest Loser. I'm addicted to this show. I love watching people succeed and to see how they overcome their obstacles to achieve their goals. I wanted Rebecca to win from the beginning, because she was from Des Moines and because she seemed like a cool person. I was disappointed when she was booted out and then shocked when she walked into the house that was right across the street from my Southside home. I didn't know her very well, she was 15 and not really interested in hanging with me and her dad as we worked around our houses. Her dad helped me with several projects at my house, along with my other neighbor Gene. They were great neighbors and when I saw who Rebecca's parents were, I wasn't surprised at all. She represented Des Moines well and I hope she wins the at home portion of the show.

1 comment:

CJH said...

2) I didn't see you behind me!

4) Don't feel bad, I'm addicted to that show too. Have loved it for many seasons now... No offense to anyone, I want Shay to win the at-home...