I've written before about how I try to take care of my lawn and landscaping. I don't have the nicest yard on the street, but I try to make it as nice as possible. I have no issue with someone who decides they don't want to put the effort into their yard. My opinion, it's your yard, do as you please. Of course, I'm not trying to sell my house, which means my opinion might be different if I was trying to sell. But with that said, I guess my next opinion would be, if you ARE going to do something in your yard, wouldn't you try to do that thing correctly? Here is my example. My neighbors on either side of me are the "I'm not going to do ANYTHING to my lawn" kind of people. Fine. They mow the yard and one even puts down fertilizer, but that is it. On one side of me, they have a riding lawn mower, so they mow fairly regularly, but they never trim. That means, along all of the fences and around all bushes and trees, the grass is waist high. I understand it is another step, and it takes another piece of equipment, but don't you think you would give it the old college try and see if you can whack a path through the bush? Here are a few shots of their back yard through the gate.

You will notice that at the top of the hill, just through the gate, they missed a huge section of grass. You can see the semi-circle of mowed grass and the rest is untouched. You can see the build up around the tree in the back, which isn't landscaping rocks, it's just 5 years of unmowed grass, piled upon itself. I'm not sure if you can see, right at the bottom of my wooden fence, that the grass is about 10 to 12 inches high. I should have taken a picture of the edge of their driveway, where the riding mower couldn't get right next to the concrete, so it left a mohawk right done the middle of their side yard. They never mow around their mailbox, but since that piece of their property is connected to mine, I just mow that while I'm mowing my yard. Again, the fact that it looks like this doesn't bother me, its the lack of effort that I find disturbing. I know they aren't out doing good deeds and just don't have the time. No, they are in their basement smoking weed. I guess that explains alot right there.
My lawn is pretty well landscaped/ looked after, but that is only because I rent and my landlord does it. If left up to me, the lawn would be waist high weeds. OK, a smidge of exaggeration there, but only a smidge, as my work ethic is pretty feeble (I'm workin' on it!!) So, I am the last person to even notice a badly trimmed lawn. But, oddly enough, I get quite annoyed by half-assed Christmas decorating. Blinking colored lights are clearly a nonverbal sort of "LOOKY HERE" So aren't you INVITING people to assess your work by even bothering to decorate for Christmas? So don't do a shitty job!! I bet these neighbors of yours are the type that string lights up 1 shrub, except they only have enough for 1/3 of the way up, so the top is unlit, and yet you can see a line of lights spanning the 2ft from the shrub to the outdoor outlet. I &*#$ HAAATE that.
Sandra, you are close. They have one strand of lights across one section of their house, they don't even attempt the bushes. But they are the people that don't take down the lights until July. Of course, the people that live on the other side of them we call the Griswolds. At Christmas, the street is lit up like it is high noon, all night long, all winter long. It's the two extremes.
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