Have you ever had one of those days when you are getting all pumped up for something that is happening that night, only to have the rug ripped out from under you and the whole thing goes into the crapper? Welcome to my Thursday night. I'd been looking forward to last nights concert from the day I heard about it. Got more excited when I purchased four tickets to attend the concert and spent all day Thursday at work talking about it. The concert, was Casting Crowns, which is one of mine and Marcy's favorite bands. We have probably seen them 12 times over the years, and never get tired of them. They are kind of our Grateful Dead, because we would, and have, traveled great distances to see them. Last night they were the opening band at the Iowa State Fair. Now the Fair Grandstand isn't my favorite place to see a concert, since the last time I saw them there, my seat was right behind a poll. That whole night, I could hear the lead singer, but could only see him if he ventured to the fringe of the stage. So you can tell I didn't get to go, and I'm guessing that you are slightly interested in why I couldn't go. I'm not full of myself so that I think you won't be able to sleep if I don't spill the beans, but I do know you will be disappointed in the reason, since it wasn't because I was arrested in a pre-concert road rage accident and it wasn't because something "better" came along. No, we missed the concert due to a sick kid. Not just sick, but strep, the fun one. What are you going to do? It's way to late to trade the kids in for a couple of ponies. No, we have them, for better or for worse, and last night was one of the "worse" nights. I felt sorry for Max, he felt like crap, but he could care less that Marcy and I were going to miss our only night out, for just the two of us, all summer. With our current schedules, me working days and Marcy working nights, quality time is next to zero. Summer is drawing to the end, the boys will be back in school, and hopefully Marcy will be able to get more day hours so we can go back to being a family. I'm happy to say that Max is doing better after the antibiotic kicked in, but the two tickets to Casting Crowns at the Iowa State Fair are still in my wallet, I don't have the stomach to throw away the $70 that I spent on them. Perhaps I can come up with a craft that I can incorporate them into, along with the other things my kids have cost me. I'd have to include about a pint of blood in the craft, to cover the cuts and bloody noses they have given me. There would be a lot of sweat, for pushing them around the yard in a wheel barrow in a dead sprint, with them yelling "Faster, Faster, Faster" and "Don't stop, keep running." Kiss my ass, dad is pooped. Ala Mike Tyson, there must be a piece of my ear. No, they didn't bite my ear, but it has nearly been ripped off numerous times during wrestling matches or the dismount of a shoulder or piggyback ride. My hair. Nearly 25 minutes of every movie we have tried to watch together, and then you can take another 15 minutes off for every movie I have watched with Marcy AND the boys. My ability to read, poop or talk on the phone without someone asking a question or telling on their brother(s). I'm not sure how you could incorporate any of that into a craft, perhaps a collage? No wait, that would be gross. That all being said, I love those kids and would trade everything I have for them, so I guess I will let this incident slide. This time.
I can't remember if I ever told the story of when I met the lead singer of Casting Crowns, so here it is. We were at Sonshine Festival a few years back and noticed the lead singer walking around in the crowd. We said hello, recognizing him and he said he was looking for his drummer. I love their drummer. He is hilarious behind the kit and can play really well. We started looking for him, hoping I could meet him as well. The funny part was, the lead singer came over to us as we were chatting about the drummer being lost in the crowd, and introduced himself to us. He said, "Hi, I'm Mark." First off, great name, kudos to mom and pop Hall for naming him that. Second, no shit, why do you think we are here. Couldn't have been a nicer guy for the couple of minutes we spoke with him, and to be humble enough to think that someone at a Christian Music festival wouldn't know who he was, was refreshing. There were probably a lot of people in MN that year who wouldn't be able to pick him out of a line up, but HE didn't know that, he just didn't assume we knew who he was. He didn't say he was the lead singer of Casting Crowns, he was just Mark. (again, kudos) I like humble people. I like people who I look at as role models, to have no idea people look at them that way. Our encounter was topped up by a rogue football that came into the crowd, struck a girl in the back of the head and then landed in Mark Hall's hands. The girl turned around, rubbing her head, to see Mark holding the football. I told him, "You better get rid of that ball, you look guilty." He then went into his best "I didn't do it speech," but even he wasn't buying it. I'm not sure if that girl ever believed him, or knew who he was, but I got a good laugh out of it, and that's all that matters.
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