So my 40th birthday has come and gone, but the 40 year old jokes continue. I'm not offended though, or even upset, just happy to still be here and hope to be here another 40, God willing. Marcy had a surprise party for me, which was a pleasant surprise. I spent the afternoon watching my Redskins win another road game (on the computer since they don't show good games here in Iowa), then went to a bar with my friend Joe to watch a few more games. Of course, this was so Marcy could clean, decorate and let our friends in before I got home. Thanks baby, it was great. Thanks also to Michelle and Mindy for helping clean and decorate:)
Marcy and I went to see Fireproof, a movie currently out starring Kirk Cameron, if you remember him from Growing Pains. He has since changed his life and is a follower of Christ and made this movie about marriage. If you can get past the bad acting, some cheesy lines and the predictability of the plot, it really is a good movie. Not going to win any awards, but the message is very powerful and the advice is relevant. I would especially recommend it for newly weds, engaged couples or those struggling in their marriage. I'm none of those, but you can always use a refresher course.
Marcy and the boys are all doing well. Makiah's reading has improved a ton, so we are really proud of him. We read with him every night and I can tell you that there are several books that I wouldn't care if I ever saw again. I may have my own book burning in the back yard if I see some of these same books come back. I now know that I don't give a damn if baby bear likes blackberries. Good for him, doesn't need a book written about it for crying out loud.
I promise not to put too much on this site about my possible South Africa trip, I'll leave that to the sister site listed to the right. When I went to watch football with Joe the other day, he did say that he is really interested in going as well, so I'm hopeful he will. We've talked about doing a mission together for a few years now, but his schedule hasn't permitted it. I hoping my friend Chad will go as well (hint, hint Chad). We go to Juarez together every year and I think because we know each other well and have worked together before, we could really be an asset to the building team in Africa. Plus, Chad is into photography, and what better place to take a few pictures than on a photo safari. That is part of the trip, which sounds really cool. The boys want to know if I will get to see a lion? I'm not sure if they want me to see it or try to feed it, and see where the cards fall. I know Chad's heart is to serve, and even though both of our lives have changed due to Juarez, this would probably set a whole new level of humble, for me for sure. Juarez puts my life in the USA in perspective, I'm guessing Africa would only increase that.
1 comment: pressure Dude...I get back from a short vacation and read this.... ha! Kidding. I'm hoping it works out too. Life changing to be sure, again...
I can honestly say though, that I haven't raked you with a 40-yr old comment....yet.... :-)
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