
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back, Mexico and divorce

Sorry about the lack of posts, both of you must be pissed:) Life is crazy with work and the kids and trying to keep the house in order. I had a back spasm the other night that was the worst pain I have ever had. My back is still bothering me, but it helps to have a friend that is a physical therapist, who is willing to work on me for no charge. She worked on my back on Saturday and when she was done, it felt great. The attack happened at 2am, so I'm always a little nervous when I go to bed that I will be woken up with the pain. Since Marcy isn't home 2 nights a week, it's just me and the boys, and they can't help. Last time, I was home alone, which wasn't fun.

I was having some flash backs to my Juarez days today. I can still see the area we worked in so vividly. The time I spent there was some of the best times of my life. I can still see out the little window that is above the urinal. I can see the dirt streets and hear the people talking outside the barred windows. I couldn't understand them, but I could hear them. The dirt always built up in your nose and we joked about blowing out adobe huts when we got back to El Paso. I can still see the garbage coming up from the ground, the glass that covered every step you took. I can still see the garbage that self combusted and was smoking just a few feet from the house we were building. And the dogs, man there are a lot of dogs. I can still see my smashed thumb from the time I hit it with a hammer, then hit it again. I'm not sure if that mission will ever be able to cross the border again, which is a shame, because the work we were able to do helped those families, and it changed my life. Even though I will probably never go back, the people, the sights and the sounds will always be with me. They're burned into my soul.

And finally, I have some bad news. I think Marcy has done something that I think you will agree, is grounds for divorce. I know what you are thinking, not Marcy. Yes, Marcy. I just don't think I can take this, it's just so mean. What has she done? She signed us up for dance lessons. I know, I know, you can't believe it, but it's true. Apparently I need to learn the foxtrot, but I've actually gotten through 43 years without having a clue as to what that is, so I don't think I need to know it to finish off whatever God has in store for me. Do me a favor. If you see me out, walking around, hit me with your car. I don't want to die, but give me a good clip that might knock me out of this hell that is approaching. Can you do that for me?


Anonymous said...

Suck it up Mark!

Anonymous said...

Dance lessons, what fun. I can't wait to hear all about it. Pictures would be good too. Oh, this is going to be good! Love you! Lisa

Anonymous said...

Mark - Bet you didn't know I read your blog... :) Thank you for sharing your memories of Juarez. They landed on my heart just the other day when I read that Juarez has been declared the most dangerous city. I agree whole heartedly about how working with the families in Juarez changed lives...I know it changed mine!

Have fun dancing! :)

Kristi Westre

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your support on my dancing, pretty sure it is sarcastic, but so be it.

Kristi, I had no idea you read this, but its good to know. Now I have to delete the blog post I was ready to post titled "Crazy people I have traveled and served with."

Anonymous said...

Speaking of crazy people you've traveled with and served with...thanks for the Juarez memories...I'm with you - I can visual almost every detail of all the trips we took there - including you stealing my pants!
