
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Friday, March 18, 2011

Check the back of the toilet.

If you saw my Facebook post last night, then you know that Marcy found a $20 bill in the coffee maker in our hotel room. My hope was that some paranoid millionaire stayed in the Marriott Towne Suites on his last trip to Minneapolis and he hid his millions, that he carries in cash with him at all times, all over the suite that is now mine. I've looked in a few places, I couldn't help myself, but no luck. I still need to cut the mattress open, so I'll let you know if anything changes, or, my next post will be from Jamaica.

I dropped off Marcy at her morning appointments and was going to bring the van back so I had it until my appointment at 1pm. At the place Marcy goes, there is one of those traffic round abouts in front of the building. I hate these things, because we don't live in London and most of the people trying to drive on them have no idea HOW to drive on them. There are stop signs at each entrance to the round about, so we stopped. There was a taxi approaching the entrance to our right, so Marcy started to go, then stopped. I said, he has a stop sign, so she started to go and dude just blew the sign. I guess that red octagon was confusing, maybe we should make them a brighter color than red and make all of the stop signs in the country look they same, so as to not confuse people. Marcy was able to stop and the driver looked at us with a scowl, which you would when you have just broken the law and almost t-boned someone else. I mouthed, "You have a stop sign" while pointing to the sign. Needless to say, he was unfazed. We pulled to the front of the building and Marcy stopped about 3 car lengths behind him. I suggested she pull up, but that wasn't happening. I told her I needed to have a conversation with the guy, she suggested I did not. I wouldn't really, I'm like a poodle, all bark and no bite. I was wearing my dork hat, so maybe he would just think I was special. Here is a shot of me in my dork hat.

I guess if I was going to say dork about anything, it would be my fat face. Look at that double chin. Holy crap that's a mug, I'm not sure how Marcy keeps her hands off of me, but she manages.

My trip to MN has been pretty relaxing, mainly because I've done nothing. I've read a little and will do more of that today. I've written a little, which is probably done unless I get that Jamaica money. It's a bit colder here today, so not sure I will do much hiking, but Marcy and I are going to a storage store today, which feeds my anal organization issue. If I had my way, our entire house would be a series of labeled, plastic tubs and cabinets, everything in its place. What I have, however, are several plastic storage containers, stacked on top of other containers, with little to no clue what is in them or if they will continue to stay in the vertical position. If I had to guess, I would say that I have at least one Lego in every room of the house, including bathrooms. Are they playing in the bathroom? I don't want to know. Marcy may have to pull me out of the store kicking and screaming that "I NEED THAT.' It's a lot like our trips to Victoria's Secret.

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