
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm not an expert, but......

You know I'm not a political person, although I do vote. I don't watch very many debates. I don't try to convince my friends that this person will be better in office than that person, its just not in me. I just don't think, that in the long run, the people we vote into office will put the good of the people, or the country, first. I feel that they are normally more concerned about being re-elected or toeing the party line, whether the party has a clue about the American people or not. I have lots of other opinions, but I'll keep them to myself. The big issue right now is going on in Wisconsin. I won't pretend that I have a clue as to what all the hubub is about, and honestly, I don't care to look into it. Does that make me a bad person, or bad citizen? Maybe, but I don't live in WI, so it isn't really my business. The same thing appears to be going on here in Iowa as well, and unfortunately, I don't have any more of an opinion about the issue here, as I have about WI. The politicians here are fighting over a bill, that both sides agree, has 0% chance to pass. Seriously? It has 0% chance to pass, but you have so far spent 2 entire days debating and a third today, with no end insight? Normally, I would say, the more time they are tied up debating the 0% chance bill, the less damage they can do on other topics, but in this case, they let $14.5 million dollars from the federal government get away , that would have gone to the unimploied of Iowa, because they were too busy pissing in the wind. Maybe there is more to it, but that is how I see it. I just read that the Republicans have finally gotten to a "sick of it" point and are forcing a vote to end the madness. Hey wait, somebody got their head out of their ass? Mark it on the calendar. Of course, the Democrats are pissed, so now they know how the voters feel. Just so you know, this is not at shot at Democrats from some holier than thou Republican. I'm a registered Democrat, but I vote on everything and person, as a separate issue, regardless of what my "party" thinks. They aren't always right. I refuse to vote party line, for anything. The whole thing is a mess.

On another note, Libya. This is a mess. Here is a question. First, we know that we don't like Momar, not a good guy. There are all kinds of leaders that aren't good guys, but we can't do anything about all of them. So why do we feel the need to step in here? Now I'm not for people being killed in a war like this, but this is an internal issue, Libyans against Libyans. Now, put the US in this situation. Lets say one of the thousands of Militia in the US, decides they are going to take over the government. Our government starts to fight back. Do we allow another country to step in and say, while fighting this uprising, "You can't do that." For us to impose a no-fly zone, seems that we are sticking our nose into a powder keg of problems. I'm glad to hear that our President is hesitant to start off, so lets hope that one of the other countries that are hot and heavy on this plan, takes the lead. It does seem a bit unfair that the government of Libya has planes and the rebels do not, but if you pick a fight with a bully, he is going to use all his weapons, not hold back because he feels sorry for you. All of this being said, I understand that the government is corrupt and they are just trying to get a voice. That's awesome and totally understandable, and I know that America is all about democracy in the world, but maybe on this one, we don't run out onto the field first.

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