It may not be much, but dang, lets be done with the white stuff.
I mentioned last week that I was going to The Container Store while we were up in MN, so I know you have spent many a sleepless nights, wondering how it was. To a person like me, it's like crack to a junkie. What I would have done for a few more dollars to purchase the must needed 5-section Cutlery Caddy. I need these things, they are very important to my survival. OK, the store is full of crap that would make an overly organized person pee in their pants, but for me, it was like the feeling I used to get when I was a stumbling drunk. I guess it's a good thing they don't have this store in Des Moines. Otherwise, you would find me out front asking people to buy me a Automatic Sugar Dispenser and bring it out to me, since I would have been band during the Grand Opening for caressing the Rhombus Storage Totes.
Just outside the store, there was this gas fireplace that we were able to sit at and warm up after our walk around the lake.

Minneapolis is a great city to visit, just not sure the traffic and snow are what I would be looking to increase if I was looking to move.
I wanted to add another "proof" that Iowan's are nice people. Somebody has knitted a handle warmer for the night deposit slot at our local library.

I'm not sure this is necessary, but some nice person has seen to it that nobody gets stuck to the metal handle in February. Tell me someone in Chicago would do that.
If you read my Facebook post last night, then you know I had a run in with a Chinese delivery guy. He showed up at 7:30pm last night, well after we had eaten. When I went to the door, he was ready to take my money and leave me the food, cept I didn't order anything. I LOVE Chinese, so I was tempted to just pay for it and see what my surprise snack was, but I figured it must be a neighbor and when the whole story finally came out, somehow I would be made out to be the bad guy. I decided to come clean and tell him it wasn't mine, but his little delivery ticket appeared to have my address on it, so he wasn't leaving my house without a very good explanation or a police escort. He kept pointing to the address, which might have had my number on it, but I couldn't tell for sure. The guy didn't speak very good English, so every time I said I didn't order anything, he pointed to that ticket like I was going to suddenly remember that I had indeed ordered and would be happy to pay for the mystery food and give a big tip. Maybe I was hungry and subconsciously placed my order. If that is the case, and I have this power, I can get in a lot of trouble. I finally saw a phone number on the ticket and told him he should call that number and then slowly closed my door, while he was still pointing to the scribbled address. He walked back to his car and I watched to be sure he wasn't getting anything that may have caused damage to my house. He sat in his car for a few more minutes, which I can only assume he was attempting to contact the rightful owner, then he drove off. Whoever finally got their food, just a bit colder due to the 5 minute arguement.
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