
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

THAT BITCH!!!!!!!!

So I'm hanging out in beautiful California and have been quite impressed with the weather, the friendly people here at the Marriott and how well the traffic has moved along, despite the horror stories I have heard. I will say that the motorcycle riders are nuts here. They fly down the highway and squeeze in between cars, riding on the painted lines in between lanes. If one car decides to change lanes, they are toast. It's a little scary to have a motorcycle 2 inches from your side view mirror, while going 70 mph. Speaking of side view mirrors, I was informed by my wife that a car drove up on our lawn and hit my mailbox, which just happens to be a 4x4 post, cemented 3 feet into the ground. This little move cost her a side view mirror that the WDM Police are now in possession of. A few of my neighbors saw her hit it and leave the scene, so they called the cops. Now my mailbox is laying in a pile on my lawn, which means I won't receive any mail until I get it fix, which is difficult to do from LA. I asked Marcy to run to Lowes and get the cheapest mailbox they have to put into the ground until we get back from vacation and I can do it properly. I'm not looking forward to digging that concrete ball out of my lawn, but the good news is, I'll all ready have a hole in which to place the new post. The best thing about this is, she did a hell of a lot more damage to her car than to my mailbox, expense wise, so I'm not too pissed. Plus, if my neighbors see the car, and they think she lives in the area, I'm confident they will follow her and get her address and turn it over to the police. Why she didn't just stop and offer to pay for it, I have no idea. Now she has the police involved and I can only hope they drag her from her car and beat her unconscious. Ooopps, that's not nice, I forgive her. I did eat at an In and Out burger yesterday. Our minister always talks about them, they are his favorites. I'll say that, for fast food, they are really good. I'm a B-Bops fan, but these might be a little better. They also cut their own fries, so they are fresh and good as well. I'm off to dinner, later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, honey, change the title of your post! I opened it up and Mason who can read was standing right there trying to read it! I put my hand over it so hopefully he didn't catch it! I miss you!