
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Friday, February 18, 2011

Me, Me, Me

Let me start off by saying, if any of the comments in this post sound like you, they aren't directed at you. If any of the comments in the post sound like me, keep it to yourself, I have a fragile ego and will cry if you tell me the truth.

I've mentioned before that one of the things I like to do when I have a free moment, is to hit the "Next Blog" button at the top of this page and look at what other people are writing. There are a lot of blogs out there, some are really good and some are really bad, it's all in the eye of the reader. I've read a few that are deep and the writing is fantastic, should be in a book or a Christmas card, but then there are those that are jibberish, literally, or filled with nonsense because they can be. Some people just write to have their words on the Internet, or so it seems, but there appears to be no other reason that they have spewed their words on the keys that we now read. Most of those I can tell after one post, and I hit the next blog button right away. There are others that I get sucked into and end up reading a bunch of posts, and if it wasn't for my remote control life, where you just keep flipping the channels and never really watch anything, I might get to know these people, in a blog kind of way. There are a couple that I have even saved as favorites and I go back just to see if what I read was a fluke or if it is actually good. Don't for a second think that I'm putting this blog in either of those categories, it is what it is. I'm horrible at English, as my grades from school will attest, and I never took a writing class that I didn't struggle with. No, I just like to put down my thoughts in hope that one of my 5 readers will laugh, cry or think. Whether they think I'm crazy or think that I'm a genius, is neither hear nor there, it is what it is. Another type of blog that I find that surprises me, are blogs on knitting, sewing or any of the thread arts. I'm amazed at how many there are. I swear that I run up on at least one on every trip I make on the next blog trip, sometimes several. I'm not sure what the connection is, thread and blogs, but they apparently go hand in hand. Try it sometime, hit the next blog button 20 times and see if you find one that mentions some kind of sewing, that is going to be my new game. Maybe 20 is too low, there are a lot of blogs out there, but there are a lot about sewing. Another type of blog, is the doting parent blog. Holy crap, there are a lot of those. I think it's the sign of the times, that we put our kids up on a pedestal and think they are God's gift to the world, instead of what they are, which is God's gift to us, the parents. I know I'm guilty of writing things about my kids, but most of what I write is about funny things and fewer of the "Tommy went poopy on the potty" posts. WOW, thanks for sharing. I'm amazed at how much parents of infants talk about poop anyway, but to roll up on a blog about it, is not exactly a good way to spend an afternoon. I can usually only get through a few sentences and then I start to gag. I'm not saying these blogs don't have their place, quite the contrary, I think they are fantastic, just not for me to read. That is one of the things I love about my blog. I'm able to share family information with my family for them to read, when they want to. Not all of my family reads my blog, and my feelings aren't hurt. My guess is, they've read something that I have written and either gaged or were completely repulsed, either way, it is what it is. I'm not going to lie, or change my beliefs, but I don't expect you to change yours for me. I'm not a expert on anything. I'd like to think that I know how to do my job and I hope my company thinks I do it well. I'd like to think that I'm raising my kids to believe in God and family and that the best way to live your life, is by trying to be happy and making others happy as well. I know that sounds corny, but it is that simple. What do you gain if you bust your ass everyday, giving up nearly every simple daily thing, just so you can live in a huge house, drive 5 fancy cars and have every toy imaginable. The old bumper stickers that say, "Those with the most toys win" are way off. "You can't take it with you", that is the bumper sticker I live by. There are a bunch of Christian songs that address this exact thought, but you get the idea. I have nothing against those that strive for the all mighty dollar, but it just isn't in me. I currently don't know anyone in that category, but most of that is probably because I don't get out much. My life is a lot simpler and over the past year I've learned, everything you have or have planned for, can go away in the blink of an eye. Then you have what? Well, if your lucky, like I am, you have friends that truly care about you. You have family that will rip out their liver and give it to you, because you need it and you have a wife a kids that you can eat mayo sandwiches with. OK, that is a bit much, but the feelings are not. If you have an immediate family that says, "I don't care what stuff we have, or the bills we owe, I care about you." It keeps you warm at night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sure sign that Facebook is taking over the world - I was looking for the "Like" button for this post. Good one, my friend...

- Chad