
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


As I prepare for my trip to New Mexico, I'm struck by a quote that I found.

Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.
~H. Zinn

I'd like to think of my actions on these trips as the small acts. I'm not changing the world with what I do, but I know as a group, we are changing the world of the people we serve. I had a conversation with someone not so long ago, who made it clear that he doesn't believe in what I do. He said, "What good does it do?" I'm not sure what "jobs" we will be doing in NM, but I know the houses we build in Mexico change peoples lives. If you don't know, one of my favorite shows is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The reason I like it is, all of these people come together for someone else. They aren't building the house for themselves, but for, most times, a complete stranger. I know the rush it gives me when I do it, so the show gives me a rush just watching it. The show has even snuck a little God into prime time TV. Even though it isn't advertised as a Christian show, if you listen closely, the designers and Ty mention God or their faith. When I go to Mexico, I feel the presence of God, in the work I do, the group I'm with and most importantly in the people we meet. I don't speak Spanish, so there are few people I can hold a conversation with, but it is amazing what you get out of a hug, handshake or "Gracious." When we have a translator and are able to speak with some of the people, it amazes me that they say God has brought us to them, which is exactly how I feel about my call to go. I never thought I would be a person to "hear" God, but that Sunday morning 5 years ago, it was clear to me what I was supposed to do. What does my time in these places mean? To the world as a whole, very little. I can't fix the problems in Mexico with my yearly visit, not even close, but like I said, I can help change the lives of a few. Next year, we will change the lives of a few more and so on. This trip to NM is the same. I can't solve or fix their problems, hell I can't even fix mine, but maybe I can take one thing off the plate. Maybe the roof doesn't leak anymore, or maybe that gaping hole in the wall isn't there anymore. Whatever it is, if I can help them, that is what I'm supposed to do.

Now, I'm sure you all know that during my last trip to Mexico, I had issues with a faulty hammer. It decided, on its own, to attack my thumb on two occasions, causing much pain and blood loss. I'm sorry the family we were building for had to come home to a bloody floor, since blood doesn't wipe off of a textured concrete floor very well. I have two goals on this trip, 1 is to not injure myself and 2 is to get to know the Navajo people and try to understand their culture. Keep an eye on this blog for updates from New Mexico, and if all goes well, pictures while I'm there. If it doesn't work, I'll update as soon as I get back.

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