
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Saturday, March 22, 2008

What is Easter, to you?

I ask that question because, it wasn't so long ago that it meant next to nothing to me. I grew up in the church and said I believed in God, but really didn't have a clue what that meant. Then I got older and what I thought was wiser, and didn't believe anymore. I could talk about how I didn't believe God existed and how organized religion was a scam. Then I met Marcy, and seeing as how I wanted to date her and she went to church, I thought I would go to impress her. Thing was, as I sat and listened to a different kind of sermon, a different kind of church service than I was used to, I started to think, "What if I'm wrong?" I mean, I never did any of the research to validate my beliefs, I only used my ego and what I thought was intelligence. A rational person wouldn't believe in miracles or actually believe in a higher power that was in control of our lives, would they? I sure as hell didn't think so. I kept going to church and I kept listening, and I mean really listening. Then I decided to look into this God thing a little deeper. I read a book called A Case For Christ. It opened my eyes to a lot of history and facts. I would recommend it to anyone who is searching for the truth. Then I started to read the Bible, along with several other publications. I learned, don't say you don't believe without doing the research. People do more checking out of cars that they use to get around than they do on their possible eternal life. Did you know that there are 9 manuscripts validating Julius Cesar, but we all know it to be true. Now did you know that there are 25,000 manuscripts validating Jesus Christ? Don't believe me, look it up. Do your research, prove me wrong, I dare you!

He is risen, he is risen indeed!

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