
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Last day

So with great sadness, we will spend our last night in Kauai tonight. We are heading to the west side of the island to catch the sunset, we'll have a little dinner and it will be back to the house to start getting ready to come home. After spending seven full days on the island, I'll say it is in the top two for beautiful places I have been. Jamaica would fall into the other spot, but not sure in which order. The beaches are beautiful, but the mountains are incredible. The sheer green cliffs are what what I think of when I think of paradise, followed by big coconut trees, banana trees and all of the colors. If you ever get the chance, don't hesitate to see one of God's greatest creations. Here are a few shots from the property we are staying at.
Those are our french doors to the left of the bamboo.See you when we get home, unless I get some sunset shots I want to share tonight.

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