
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Couple of things

Couple of things:

1. We are home.
2. It's colder than sh!t here.
3. I apparently forgot how to drive in the snow, being away from it for 9 days driving a convertible. I got stuck in a snow bank bright and early this morning and froze my ass of, -15, trying to get it unstuck.
4. Flying overnight to get home sucked. I couldn't sleep on the plane and was exhausted when I got home. Plus, thought I was going to have to use a vomit bag on the way into Denver, which has never happened to me before.
5. I mentioned on my last post that our doors were to the left of the bamboo, well it isn't bamboo, but can't remember what it is. I hope Rachel is still reading my blog and can remind me what it is. It was some kind of palm, and if I remember right, this is the biggest group in one spot, on the whole island.
6. My brain is still on vacation, so I'm working at half speed right now.
7. I miss Kauai and the new friends we met:(
8. Seven is more than a couple. So is eight.

1 comment:

Rachael said...

Aloha Mark & Marcy,

Sounds like quite the trip, I hate flying into Denver, the wind shears are horrible.

I know what you mean about freezing your ass off, we did it for many years.

The name of the palms are Arecas and yes it is the largest clump on the island.

Send me your email address and I will keep you guys posted on the adventures in Kauai! I do an update letter about every two months and I'm putting one together now.

Miss you guys! Marcy, Scott caught the grand daddy of toads last night! You missed out.

Scott & Rachael