My trip to Africa is quickly approaching, as I write this it's 38 days until I leave. I just received a newsletter from Blessman Ministries, which is the organization I will be working with, and here is a little blurb about my trip.
Abod: Answered Prayer
As you watch fireworks and celebrate the 4th of July, a team from Des Moines will be flying over the ocean on their way to build our first five Abod homes in South Africa. These homes will be built in a community about an hour and a half Northeast of Shikwaru. A church from that community is providing land for the homes to be built on, and also a caregiver who will live with and care for the orphaned children that are selected to live in the homes. This project is off the ground because we serve a big God who moves among us and answers our prayers.
We were ready to share the wonderful news about these homes in our last newsletter, however, just days before it went to the printer we learned that our manufacturer was unable to come through. It was too late to find a new manufacturer in the United States, since shipping can take up to three months. We made contact with a manufacturer in South Africa and prayerfully anticipated their proposal to build the homes for us. The Lord answered our prayers and the manufacturer came back with a wonderful proposal. As you read this, our Abods are being manufactured and are scheduled to be delivered July 1st to the building site. Thank you Lord!
Very exciting that it is so close. I'm extremly please that they were able to locate this new manufacturer and hopefully they are able to produce the houses for even less money, since they weren't being shipped all the way from the US.
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