
"We all die in the end, but there's no reason to die in the middle."

playwright David Mamet

Friday, April 3, 2009

This might piss you off or make you cheer.

The Iowa Supreme court just ruled, in summary, that gay people can marry in Iowa. I'm a Christian, so I know I'm supposed to be 100% against this ruling, but I'm sorry, I'm not. As a Christian, the main thing I get from Jesus teaching is, forgiveness, grace and love. I'm not a judge, nor do I want to be, I'll leave that up to God. For me, marriage is the commitment of two people, yes its typically a man and a woman, but times they are a changing. Marriage is also about finances, rights and privileges, things that aren't available to gay couples are assumed and expected by hetero couples. For those that want to say that the Bible says it is wrong, I'll give you that, but there are a lot of other things that the Bible says is wrong, that we do anyway and there are no rallies against it. There are commandments that I myself break on a daily basis, so I feel that I have little room to judge someone who is doing something that God and society see as wrong. I don't want you to think I'm out killing people, that isn't the Commandment I break, I'm more into coveting things and I have a hard time keeping the Sabbath holy. If you say that those aren't big deals, we all do it, you're right, but these are things that God specifically told me not to do, yet I do them. Do I think my sins are on the same level as a gay persons "sin?" Damn right I do. A sin is a sin, there is no scale or list of 1 to a million listing all sins in order of wrongness and being gay is number one. Nope, they are looked at as sin and I will have to answer to God for all of my sins, regardless of how you or society has rated them. I don't even want to hear the argument of, "well, if you let a man marry a man, then what is stopping a man from marring a dog?" OK, that is just plain retarded, no discussion necessary, we aren't talking about crossing species, so lets not even start on that. I'm sure those against this will get an injunction to stop the marriages so it has time to work through the courts, again, but to me, that isn't the answer. I heard the answer on TV today, and that is, let the people of Iowa decide. Put it to a vote. If both sides are so convinced that they are right, or have the majority, then take it to a vote. They want to change the Iowa Constitution to put an end to this, one way or another, and I have no idea if that is the right answer. I just know that we need to put this issue to bed. Go with the vote and then let it go. Regardless of what we "allow" legally, people need to have the same rights. Not allowing gay people to marry will not make homosexuality go away, so don't think that making a stand on this particular item will end the subject, no, in fact, prepare for more. I know, I know, there are a lot of examples that you want to use to prove your point, which is different than mine. Great, get a blog and send me the link.

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